Egg yolk colour in quails eggs and how to improve it.

A quails egg being tested for its size, shape and colour.

Quail eggs are widely known for their nutritional value, high protein content, and unique taste.

Egg yolk colour is a matter of personal taste and it can be anything from a bright yellow to a deep orange. What is important is that the colour is deep, even and and not pale or opaque.

What colour should quail egg yolks be?

One of the most striking features of quail eggs is their yolk colour, which varies from pale yellow to deep orange.

This colour is not only aesthetically pleasing but can also indicate the quality of the egg.

Below: The range of egg yolk colours is from deep yellow to bright orange.

Egg yolks that are too pale may indicate a deficiency in the diet or a health problem.

Whether you are using quail eggs in cooking or consuming them as a healthy snack, a deep orange or golden yellow yolk is a sign of high-quality eggs from well reared birds.

Factors that affect yolk colour in quail eggs:

The colour of the yolk in quail eggs is determined by several factors, including genetics, diet, age, and stress.

Below: My video on the colour of yolks in quails eggs and what to look for and what to avoid.

By understanding these factors and providing quails with a balanced diet and stress-free environment, it is possible to achieve a desirable yolk colour in quail eggs. 


The genetics of quail plays a significant role in determining the colour of the yolk. The breed of quail, as well as its individual genetic makeup, can affect the yolk colour. For example, Japanese quail breeds tend to have a deeper orange yolk compared to other breeds.


Quails that are fed with a diet rich in yellow and orange pigments tend to produce eggs with a darker yolk colour.

Below: These foods and supplements can add colour to quails egg yolks.

This is because these foods are rich in pigments, called carotenoids and xanthophylls which are stored in the yolk and give it its characteristic colour.


Egg yolk colour fades a little as the egg gets older.


Younger quails tend to produce eggs with a paler yolk colour, while older quails produce eggs with a darker yolk colour. This is because as quails age, their ability to absorb and deposit pigments in the yolk decreases.


Quails that are subjected to stressful conditions, such as overcrowding or poor sanitation, tend to produce eggs with a paler yolk colour. This is because stress can affect the overall health of the bird as well as the  absorption and deposition of pigments in the yolk.

How to achieve the desired yolk colour in quails eggs:

Select the right breed: If you are looking for quail eggs with a deep orange yolk, consider selecting breeds that are known to produce eggs with this colour. Japanese quails are one such breed.

Provide a stress-free environment: Providing quails with a stress-free environment can help ensure the deposition of pigments in the yolk. This can be achieved by providing adequate space, clean water, and a clean living area.

Feed a balanced diet: Feeding quails a diet that is rich in xanthophylls, as well as other essential nutrients, can help achieve a desirable yolk colour. It is important to provide a balanced diet that includes protein, vitamins, and minerals in addition to xanthophylls.

Below: A how to of which foods and supplements can improve yolk colour in quails eggs.

Include carotenoids and in the diet: Xanthophylls are a class of plant pigments that belong to the carotenoid family. Some foods that are particularly rich in xanthophylls include:

  • Allowing birds to range on pasture is the best way to supplement the diet.
  • Spinach, kale, collard greens, and other leafy greens are excellent sources of xanthophylls like lutein and zeaxanthin,
  • Corn is another good source of xanthophylls, particularly zeaxanthin,
  • Paprika and turmeric are spices that contains significant amounts of the xanthophylls,
  • Marigold petals are used as a natural source of the xanthophyll lutein in some dietary supplements,
  • Broccoli contains the xanthophyll neoxanthin, as well as other carotenoids like beta-carotene.
  • Various types of peppers, including red, green, and yellow bell peppers, are good sources of the yolk colour enhancers.
  • Orange vegetables: Carotenoids are found in many orange fruits and vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes.

Quail egg yolk colour FAQs:

Are quail eggs with a darker yolk colour healthier?
While the yolk colour of quail eggs can indicate the quality of the egg, it does not necessarily mean that a darker yolk is healthier. However, quail eggs in general are considered a healthy food source due to their high protein and nutrient content.

Can I enhance the yolk colour of quail eggs artificially?
While it is possible to enhance the yolk colour of quail eggs artificially by adding synthetic pigments to their diet, it is not recommended. This can have negative impacts on the health of the quails and can also result in lower quality eggs. There are plenty of natural feeds that can enhance the yolk colour.

How can I tell if a quail egg has a good yolk colour?
A good yolk colour in quail eggs is typically a deep orange or golden yellow. You can't tell the colour of the yolk without cracking the egg open to have a look. It is best to select quail eggs from a reputable source and inspect them visually before consuming or cooking.