Storing fertile quail eggs. How to make sure you give your hatching eggs the best chance.

How I store my fertile quail eggs before I incubate them

The best way to store fertile quail eggs is in a cool, dark, and dry place with a humidity level of between 40% and 60%. The ideal temperature is between 45°F and 60°F (8°C and 16°C).

You can store the eggs in a cardboard egg carton or a plastic egg rack or even on their sides in a shallow tray.

Quail eggs can be stored upright with the pointy end down or on their sides but make sure they can not roll about and get damaged. If you store them upright you need to turn them to at least 45 degrees either side of the vertical.

In the wild quail store their eggs flat on their sides in a nest before they incubate them and they have manged to survive.

Below: Talking you through how I store my quail hatching eggs.

Ideally you should turn or rotate the eggs at least 3-4 times a day to prevent the yolk from sticking to the shell. You should turn at least once a day otherwise the membranes will stick together inside the egg.

Quality quail eggs from well fed and well looked after parent stock will keep better than sub standard eggs

Below: Quail eggs stored in a nest of wood shavings.

Fertile eggs can be stored for up to 7 days before incubating. However, the longer you store the eggs, the lower the hatch rate will be.

I always choose which eggs are going to be incubated before I store them so as I am handling the suitable eggs as little as possible. Quail eggs have very thin shells and are easily damaged and the less you handle them the better.

Here are some additional tips for storing fertile quail eggs:

  • Do not wash the eggs before storing them. The natural coating on the eggshell helps to keep the bacteria out.
  • Keep your storage area clean
  • Handle the eggs gently. Avoid dropping or banging them.
  • Store the eggs away from any sources of heat or light.
  • If you are storing the eggs for more than 3 days, it is a good idea to add a humidity pack to the storage container. This will help to prevent the eggs from drying out.

Here are some things you should not do when storing quail fertile eggs:

  • Do not store the eggs in a refrigerator. The cold temperature will kill the embryo.
  • Do not store the eggs in a hot or humid environment. This will increase the risk of bacteria growth.
  • Do not store the eggs for more than 10 days. The hatch rate will decrease significantly after 10 days.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of hatching healthy chicks from fertile eggs.