Incubation and hatching quail eggs FAQ's.

A fertile quail egg being candled during incubation


What is the ideal temperature for incubating quail eggs?

The ideal temperature for incubating quail eggs is 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.5 degrees Celsius. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the incubation period.

What is the ideal humidity for incubating quail eggs?

The ideal humidity for incubating quail eggs is 45% for the first 14 days and 65-75% for the last 3 days. Humidity helps to keep the eggs cool and prevents them from drying out.

Can you mix quail eggs and chicken eggs in the incubator?

You can  not incubate quail eggs and chicken eggs together. You should never mix the eggs from different poultry types in the same incubator. Eggs are different sizes and require different incubation periods and conditions and will hatch at different times. Also, quail chicks are more delicate than chicken chicks and can not be kept together.

How long does it take for quail eggs to hatch?

Quail eggs typically take about 16 to 18 days to hatch. However, slight variations can occur depending on the specific quail species and incubation conditions.

How should I store quail eggs before incubating them?

It's best to store quail eggs in a cool, dry place with a temperature of around 45 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (8 to 15 degrees Celsius). The eggs should be stored with the pointed end down and turned at least twice a day until you're ready to incubate them.

Do I need a special incubator for quail eggs?

While you can use a standard chicken egg incubator, it's generally recommended to use an egg tray specifically designed for quail eggs. Quail eggs require slightly different settings, such as smaller trays and proper ventilation, to ensure successful incubation.

How often should I turn quail eggs during incubation?

Quail eggs should be turned at least three to five times a day during incubation. Turning the eggs helps prevent the embryos from sticking to the inner membrane and promotes even development.

Should quail eggs be incubated upright or on their sides?

It has been shown that quail eggs incubated vertically with the large end up have a slightly better hatch rate than those incubated on their sides. Upright quail eggs do need to be turned much more often than those on their sides.

Can I open the incubator during incubation?

It's best to minimise opening the incubator during the incubation period to maintain a stable environment, this is especially true after the eggs have pipped and the hatching process has begun. However, if you need to open it, do so quickly to prevent significant temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Do quail eggs benefit from periodic cooling?

Periodic cooling is supposed to mimic the ways a quail would rear her young in the wild. Quail hens get off the nest to eat and drink or if they are disturbed by predators and while she is away the eggs will cool. Quail eggs do not need periodic cooling, just because the birds have adapted and are able to survive short cold periods it is not of any benefit.

How do I know if a quail egg is fertile?

Test hatching and candling is a common method to determine if a quail egg is fertile. Around 7 to 10 days into incubation, you can use a small flashlight or a candler to shine light through the egg. Fertile eggs will show signs of veins and a developing embryo.

It is impossible to tell if a quail egg is fertile just by looking at it. 

What should I do if a quail  egg doesn't hatch? 

If a quail egg doesn't hatch within a reasonable time frame, such as 24 hours after others have hatched, it's likely nonviable. Remove the egg from the incubator to prevent potential contamination and focus on caring for the healthy chicks.

When should I candle the quail eggs?

Candling is the process of shining a bright light through the egg to check for development. You should candle the quail eggs on day 7 and 14.

What should I do if I find a cracked quail egg?

Remove cracked eggs from the incubator as they are unlikely to hatch and may contaminate the whole batch.

What should I do when the quail eggs start to hatch?

Once the eggs start to hatch, you should not open the incubator unless it is absolutely necessary. The chicks will need time to dry off and gain strength before they are ready to be moved to the brooder.

What should I feed the quail chicks?

Chicks should be fed a high-protein starter crumble. You can also add some small insects to their diet.

What should I do with the chicks after they are hatched?

Chicks should be kept in a warm, safe place. The brooder should be kept at 95 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week. The temperature can then be gradually decreased to 85 degrees Fahrenheit by the time the chicks are four weeks old.

What are some common problems with incubating quail eggs?

Some common problems with incubating quail eggs include:

  • Improper temperature or humidity
  • Cracked eggs
  • Infertile eggs
  • Chicks that do not hatch

If you are having problems incubating quail eggs, you may want to consult with a poultry expert.